Rajasic (hot) food is that one which is bitter, sour, salty, hot and spicy, burning and which gives unhappiness, sorrow and disease. Sattvic (pure) food is that one which increases longevity, purity, strength, health, happiness and taste and which is juicy, oily, durable in nature and liked by sattvic people. In the Bhagavadgita Sri Krishna declares that food is of three types as are sacrifices, austerity and charity. Eating is therefore any other human activity which can be made into either a sacrificial act that would help in the liberation of soul or a mere pleasure activity that would lead to bondage and suffering. From food is produced retas (the sexual energy or semen) and from it beings are born.” According to Manu, “Food that is always worshipped, gives strength and manly vigor but eaten irreverently, it destroys them both.” Food should be eaten for the survival and strength of the body, with a religious attitude, to practice austerities and gain self-control, but not for pleasure. According to Prasna Upanishad, “Food is in truth the Lord of Creation (Prajapathi). Food is identified with the element of earth. Orthodox Hindus offer food to God mentally before eating. The gross physical body is called annamayakosh or the food body, because it is nourished by food and grows by absorbing the energies from the food. Because it is a gift from God, it should be treated with great respect. For food is the oldest of all beings, and therefore it is called panacea.” (Taittiriya Upanishad)Īccording to Hinduism, food is verily an aspect of Brahman (annam parabrahma swaroopam). Then they live by food, and in the end they return to food. “From food are produced all creatures which dwell on earth. Man thus consists of the essence of food.” (Taittiriya Upanishad) “From earth herbs, from herbs food, from food seed, from seed man. He who nourishes neither the god nor a friend, he who eats alone, gathers sin.” (Rig Veda X. “I speak the truth, it is indeed his death. And sacrifice is born out of doing prescribed duties.” (Bhagavad gita 3:14) Rains originate from the performance of sacrifices. “All beings come into existence from food. But those who prepare food for their selfish ends eat but only sins.” (Bhagavad “The saintly persons get relief from all kinds of sins by partaking the food that has been first offered to gods as sacrifice. Hindu sacred scriptures give instructions on diet and various food restrictions